Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profound feeling!
精選唐詩320首。賞析經典詩句,重溫中華古代文學的魅力瑰寶,感受古代文學的博大精深!挑選內涵詩詞,最好的內容獻給喜愛古詩詞的您,愛詩詞,沒理由!****** 應用特色 ******1 分類詳細,本APP包含以下分類:七言古詩、七言絕句、七言律詩、五言古詩、五言絕句、五言律詩、樂府;2 支持搜索;3 支持分享到Line,郵件,微信等。Selected Poems 320.Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profound feeling!Selected connotation poetry, dedicated to the best content of your favorite ancient poems, love poetry, no reason!****** Features ****** Applications1 classification details, this APP contains the following categories: Seven Poems, Seven quatrains, Seven Poems, Wu Yan poetry, Wu Yan quatrains, Five-character verses, Yue;2 support search;3 Support Share Line, e-mail, micro-letters.1. 適配Android新系統;2. 優化顯示效果。